
Hardworking Student offering HR,Charity Activity Organization and Volunteer work experience and extensive knowledge of Global Business Management Major.Studies hard for examinations and always completed accurate,thorough work.Collaborate well on group projects and prepare diligently for assignments.Meticulous and detail with excellent observational,organizational and communication skills.I have a strong desire to apply for a PhD or master's degree in OT or OB.

Graduation Year


Activity Experience

Shenzhen International Foundation


March 2023 - May 2023

Led a six-member team to participate in the “Internationalization Around"exploration activity organized by Shenzhen International Foundation,successfully complete all clock-in tasks and form Vlog and text reports,and finally won the second prize.


Chengdu Shuangliu District Procuratorate’s rule of law publicity activities

Event Planning Assistant

Children in trouble are in trouble due to reasons such as themselves, their families and the outside world, and need help and protection from the whole society. The purpose of holding Procuratorate Open Day activities is to provide more care and care to children in need in Shuangliu District. On the other hand, it can also allow children of procuratorial organs and political and legal committee police officers to better understand their parents’ working environment, work atmosphere, and work content, and train them to learn the law. Awareness and ability to understand and abide by the laws, their usage and self-protection.