Hi, I’m shaymaa and I’m a full stack developer.
My current focus is developing my skills and acquire more experience in this interesting field.
firstly, i have taken courses in many disciplines such as AI (Artificial Intelligence ) , Big Data, DataCom, cloud computing with huawei .
then , i attended the huawei ICT competition, i reached the national stage , and i won a bronze medal in first time and in the second time i won a Gold Medal, and i'm proud of that.
but finally , i enrolled in a web course and discovered my passion in it, Therefore, I continued in this field and studied two front-end frameworks "react &angular" but now i focuse on react framework and i am now pursuing courses to be master in it.
And as a back-end i took a course and then participated in training for two months as a back-end developer in SEF Future.
And i want to discover more fields to develop my knowledge and abilities.
i am eager to learn, easy-going by temperament, and able to get along with both work colleagues and senior managers.