
This is Amanual Alene

I have M.Sc. degree from Mekelle University (Mekelle, Ethiopia) in rural development department. Starting from May 1, 2024, I’m working as field office coordinator (Ethiopian Joint response funded project) in Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development-MSD local organization at zikuala woreda, Amhara region Ethiopia. In addition, for the past five years (2020-2024), I worked as Multi-sectoral emergency response project and food and nutrition program coordinator in women Empowerment-Action organization and sekota declaration program delivery unit respectively at waghimra zone, Amhara region Ethiopia.


.Oversee day-to-day operations of the health and nutrition, livelihood and food security, gender and inclusion programs,

· Manage and coordinate project officers, woreda coordinators, administrative and finance staffs including security of the compounds and staff.

· Monitor and support the selection and verification process of input and cash assistance beneficiary

· Follow up and support the Feedback, Compliant and response mechanisms (FCRM) at woreda level

· Manage and ensure the security and safety of staff, premises materials and assets in the operational area.

· Manage and track the financial transaction against to the project goal and purpose

· Maintain the cooperation and collaboration between partners and stakeholders

Conduct outcome harvesting evaluation workshops with partners and stakeholders



Years of Experience


Graduation Year





project coordinator

Marital status




Graduated From

Mekele University and Saint Mary's university





Work Experience

Mahibere Hiwot for Social Development-MSD

Field office coordiantor

May 2024 - Now

· Provide effective leadership to support staff and promote the best human resource practice

· Provide general support and guidance, and serve as the focal point during program and strategic planning, grant/proposal writing and reporting

· Coordinate and support timely for project officers, social workers and volunteers

· Oversee the effective budget and logistic utilization systems

· Assist operation director in producing monthly program and financial report

· Represent the organization at the regional and zonal level including meetings with donors, humanitarian actors, local authorities, and any other meeting deemed necessary by the CD.

· Conduct quarterly and annual based review meeting with staffs, partners and government stakeholders

Women Empowerment-WE-Action

project Coordiantor

August 2022 - April 2024

· Oversee day-to-day operations of the health and nutrition, livelihood and food security, gender and inclusion programs,

· Manage and coordinate project officers, woreda coordinators, administrative and finance staffs including security of the compounds and staff.

· Monitor and support the selection and verification process of input and cash assistance beneficiary

· Follow up and support the Feedback, Compliant and response mechanisms (FCRM) at woreda level

· Manage and ensure the security and safety of staff, premises materials and assets in the operational area.

· Manage and track the financial transaction against to the project goal and purpose

· Maintain the cooperation and collaboration between partners and stakeholders

Conduct outcome harvesting evaluation workshops with partners and stakeholders

Sekota Declaration Program Delivery unit-SDPDU

Program Coordinator

December 2020 - August 2022

· Technical guidelines developed for implementing sectors and partners on the process of stunting reduction on children under 2 year

· Coordinating and managing all specific and sensitive nutrition and WASH activities which are implementing at woreda and kebele HHs level

· Fruitful biannual and annual workshops and meetings conducted with woreda nutrition technic committee and nutrition coordinating body

· Quarterly and monthly monitoring conducted on constructing schools, water schemes ,school feeding and other nutrition and health related programs

· Ensure correct procurement process is followed

Abergele Woreda Agriculture office

Livelihood Officer

June 2011 - December 2020

· Preparing brief and SMART financial and physical plan for both rural water supply and agronomic activities

· Consulting the rural communities about modern irrigation application system to produce cash crops and marketable products in order to increase their financial capacity

· Conduct technical trainings for DAs, irrigation beneficiaries and irrigation management committee concerning about weed control and pest management ,post and pre harvest technologies, handling and transportation

· Establish water use committees and giving trainings on water source maintenance and utilization enhanced

· Crate awareness on the use of water treatment technologies and water chemicals and facilitate the link between the community and private vendors as well as promotion on positive health seeking behavior.

· Conducting workshops and review meetings with partners and other main stockholders to create common understanding about progressive achievement

· Providing technical supports for artesian and woreda experts to fulfill technical gaps


Mekele University

Rural Development - Msc

2020 - 2024

Saint Mary's University

Rural Decvelopment - Bsc

2008 - 2011

kombolcha poly technic college

small scall irrigation - Advanced diploma

2005 - 2007




Very Good