
Computer science and technology enthusiast, curious and passionate-driven when it comes to new technology stacks and software development's best practices. Currently interested in reactive systems and highly-scalable applications.

Work Experience, Netherlands

Software Engineer

August 2016 - Now

AWS (Workmail), Netherlands

Software Engineer

April 2016 - June 2017

Working on Amazon’s newest business email and calendaring service as a part of the backend team that’s responsible for implementing different Email delivery related protocols (EWS, IMAP, ActiveSync, etc..) and new features.

Orange Labs R&D (France Telecom)

Junior Software Engineer

June 2015 - March 2016

Worked in a self-organized team, using agile methodologies, also using Test/Behavior Driven Development (TDD/BDD). We delivered a scalable Reactive System (Akka) for Egypt’s Agriculture Ministry.

IBM Egypt

Software Engineer Intern

June 2012 - October 2012

Summer internship where I was introduced to SDLC and SW best practices from the team at IBM's Technical Development Center TDC and working on IBM's ecosystem.


CityBook -

Backend Developer

CityBook is a mobile pilot product by that leverages machine learning to make instant recommendations for travelers in different cities. The product is completely backend-driven, and available on web, Android, and iOS.


Computer Science - Cairo University

BSc (Hons)

2009 - 2013


  • Programming Languages

    Java: proficient, familiar with Python, Scala, and Perl

  • Database

    MySQL, familiar with Redis

  • Web Technologies

    GraphQL, familiar with REST

  • Java EE Technologies/Frameworks

    Dropwizard, Servlets & JSP, familiar with JSF and JEE stack in general

Courses and Certificates

Sun Certified Java Programmer (​SCJP​) 1.6, May 2013