
I am a passionate hardworking biomedical informatics student with interests in public relations and business fields, I worked as PR  for going on 3 years. I was the member of PR in many organizations and clubs, like : RPM club, Bio code, Fok-alkalkee3, and E-club. Also had taken PR training in Nile pioneers at Nile university.

I am the head of DNU coders which is the first club working in the field of bioinformatics field in the university and had  worked hard to help for establishing the club. The club aims to to spread the idea of  biomedical technologies and the power of health informatics.  We are working hard to develop new strategies to help in delivering the courses and the offered opportunities to other students before they graduate. Also I  have done a multiomics data analysis internship at 57357 where we worked to analysis genomics, metagenomics, proteomics  and metabolomic data, in addition to working as an intern in the CIS center working on a research project.

I have taken  a lot of online courses in order to develop my skills in the future career and s working on a project in clinical informatics field.


  • Power apps

    C Programming Language

    C++ Programming Language

    Python Programming Language

    R Programming Language

    HTML & CSS.

    Databases NCBI- Ensembl- GDC- UniprotUCSC

    Photoshop and illustrator


    Documentation management

    Microsoft office skills


  • Nile university - computer science (Major: Biomedical Informatics)

Work Experience

  • SH group

CV Summary
