
  • The technological world is quickly adapting to changes, even if the jobs names stay the same, the responsibilities, approaches, technologies change. I like to discover and learn about these new ways to improve my work. This means that I have to keep in touch with as much as I can that goes on in the IT community. Sometimes it can be overwhelming but it's a rewarding job.
  • Striking a balance between new toys and stable products, that's where you shine working in infrastructure.

Years of Experience

14 years


Koppl, Salzburg, Austria

Graduation Year



  • Kubernetes • AWS • Docker Products • Linux • DevOps • English as a Second Language (ESL) • GitHub • PHP • OOP • Systems Design • Troubleshooting • Defining Requirements

Courses and Certificates

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests



Certified Kubernetes Security Speclist (CKS) for 2023




Academia de Studii Economice din București

Business/Commerce - Business Administration

2006 - 2009








Work Experience


devOps engineer

April 2024 - Now

Responsible with developers env, staging, release and production ci/cd pipelines

  • aws multiple accounts: VPC, EKS, RDS, VPC peering, Ec2, EKS, S3, Cloudfront, Route 53, api gateway, cloudtrail, lambda, IAM - ideantity center, Backup
  • terraform for IaC: VPC, EKS, RDS. there was no IaC. or limited done with either eksctl or cloudFormation, and I had to migrate the existing resources into functional terraform files that we can start using. Decisions like working with workspaces, different accounts, how to start, how to import, where to test the changes and how to move these into production were the challenge of terraform.
  • kubernetes for orchestration: there are 2 EKS clusters, a production one where we ran live business workloads and a dev cluster where beside the release, staging environment, each pull request done by a dev was spinning a namespace for the project was working. we work heavily with kustomize, have a scheduled by the hour for horizontal pod auto-scaling, we worked also with VPA. worked close with AWS EKS and terraform eks module to deliver an alternative to eksctl. HPA was working with metrics plugins like php-fpm. critical resources were covered by alerts
  • php: profiling done with blackfire for optimization, backup scripts
  • notion for documentation
  • close work with developers in helping them with local development or any other infrastructure related issues
  • close work with qa team, data-engineering
  • familiar with Apache Airflow, Matomo, new Relic, Sentry, CloudAmqp and other php tools
  • github workflows and actions: workflows were run on runs-on runners, some of the steps were to install the php with modules so that unit tests are run, load tests, e2e tests, deploy to kubernetes cluster, provision db, pre-preovision db. some of the workflows were reusable


Cloud Engineer

June 2021 - December 2023

Pimcore SaaS project was exposing Pimcore product with all it's dependencies as a service.

Responsible for the company SaaS offering:

  • using AWS, with most of the resources provisioned by Terraform

  • Kubernetes for orchestration

  • gitOps principles

  • argoCD to create tenants, these are expended with Kustomize through overlays

  • the product images were created through argo workflows and using kaniko

  • gatekeeper and OPA to reinforce policies regarding kubernetes

  • Calico for reinforcement of kubernetes network policies

  • backups are done with velero and restic, the assets are stored in S3 though as a Ingress controller I choose nginx also configuring backend for custom error handling

  • metrics and logging with loki-stack: loki, prometheus, grafana

  • all these third party are installed through Helm, to better handle updates and configuration

  • other used software: cloudfront, ses, elastic search, EFS, EBS, certificate manager, kubeseal

  • testing with k6 and testkube

  • I was also responsible for creating a incident response plan

  • created plan for becoming AWS partner following nOps

Reporting to CTO and CPO

Devops responsabilities:

  • docker and docker compose senior experience

  • CI/CD for dev teams (maintenance, feature and testing) releases with Github and deployer on our own

Hetzner servers

  • in charge of github account reorganization

  • responsible with technical evaluation and testing for a PaaS offering on platormSh

  • local configuration for email server: Postfix, dkim, dmarc, spf

  • basic security with ufw and iptables

  • ssh and sshd configuration

  • working with different application package managers: repman, packagist

  • bash scripting

  • confluence documentation and jira project


Backend Developer Php

September 2016 - April 2021

Responsible with different php projects as a developer 70%:

  • Magento 2 Backend developer.

  • integration with different CMS (typo3, wordpress)

  • laravel projects

  • technical evaluation and estimation of new sale leads on magento 2

Responding to CTO

Resposible to move the infrastructure from a raw state to a containerization state 30%

  • Docker, Haproxy, Nginx, Gitlab CI/CD

  • creating incident response plan for DOS attacks

  • ufw, fail2ban, iptables

Responding to CTO


Lead Magento Developer

September 2012 - July 2016

Responsible for and as a lead dev 80%

  • technologies Magento 1 CE and EE

  • SOLID, dependency-injection, KISS, DRY

  • SPL, caching levels

  • Code Sniffer, PHPMD

Responding to deparment manager

Part of team responsible to tackle overall project infrastructure for the department 20%:

  • deployment strategies, branching models, git flows, code quality,

  • virtualization with vagrant

  • Siege, load balancer, JUnit

Responding to technical lead for infrastructure.

Responsible for internship:

  • choosing, teaching, evaluation for a team of internships

  • involved in evaluating and hiring process

Responding to department manager

Part of teaching high-school students team:

  • meeting with teachers to establish the path for the project

  • responsible with teaching programming projects to a student

  • working with angular 3 and ionic

Responding to department manager.

This people got to my soul and I felt like in a family.


Lead Software Developer

April 2011 - August 2012

Worked on using Ext-JS and Yii technologies. Migrated the website to the Yii framework and handled new feature requests from the client.


PHP Developer

January 2009 - February 2011

Worked on

Technologies: Ext-JS, Yii

Here I started working on website which was written in a procedural way. The main objective

was to migrate it on the Yii framework but a lots of new features keep appearing from the client. This job

toughen me on dealing with the client. It was a strong lesson I have learned.