Marital status
Graduation Year
Marital status
Graduation Year
2008 - 2011
scoring (3.73) with excellent grade. Master Research title: Use of Herbs among Jordanian Population for the Management of Chronic Diseases with Special Emphasis on Dyslipidemia. Research Supervisor: Dr. Yasser bustanji, associate professor of biochemistry at clinical pharmacy department/Jordan University. Research Briefing: The research aims to evaluate subject's perception about herbal medicine usage in regards to efficacy and disclosure to physician and to determine the most common herbs used by Jordanian population to treat chronic diseases.
2003 - 2008
Scoring (90.6%) with excellent grade.
2002 - 2003
Scoring: 88.4% (very good)
January 2014 - Now
January 2012 - January 2014
January 2010 - January 2011
Participation in bio-clinical research by doing the laboratory work where it was published. (1)
September 2009 - June 2010
Hospital Residency at Jordan University Hospital as a Clinical Pharmacist. The residency have focused on the implementation of pharmaceutical care to patients by providing pharmaceutical advice and education following the best pharmaceutical plan. Also, the acquisition of skills in support of the evidence based medicine, expertise in pharmacology and clinical pharmacotherapy in order to have guidance for making the best decisions about medications and patients care. The residency was executed in the following medical departments: Cardiology, Internal medicine, Oncology, Neurology, Rheumatology & outpatient.
Experienced user of Microsoft office products.
Keen user of the internet.
SPSS logistic for statistics as a part of master thesis.
2 days training about: 1- Review of CTD module 3 for experts 2- Medical device regulations
A single day training about the basics of international commerce and the use of incoterms in Export.
A single day training about common technical dossier modules preparation and learning the different variations that can be faced and how to handle them.