
As a junior Full stack developer (Node.js , React.js) , I'm enthusiastic about bulding scalable and high-performance web applications using Node.js and React.js and related technologies . I'm a fast learner and a team player . I'm committed to writing clean , maintainable and well-documented code .

Military status



  • Web Technologies

    1-Node.Js MongoDB MySQL Express.Js Restfull API Socket IO Swagger MVC (design pattern) SOLID principles

    2- React.js React Hooks Html Html5 CSS CSS3 tailwind JSX Java Script Dom Java Script Bom Formik Yup Styled Component Material UI Bootstrap

    3- Angular.js

  • Programming Language

    JavaScript ES6 Java C++

  • System Analysis and Design Skills

    Deep understanding of the Object Orientated Concepts and data structure

  • Version Control

    Git Github Gitlab

Work Experience


Front End Developer

March 2023 - September 2023

Build web applications for rental vacations platforms. Worked within applicable standards, policies and regulatory guidelines to promote safe working environment. Participated in continuous improvement by generating suggestions, engaging in problem-solving activities to support teamwork. Developed and implemented performance improvement strategies and plans to promote continuous improvement

Smartiva, Remote, Egypt

Front End Developer

September 2022 - February 2023

followed SDLC best practices within Agile environment to produce rapid iterations for clients. Designed and updated layouts to meet usability and performance requirements. Coded using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop features web applications. Produced websites compatible with multiple browsers. Contributed to projects within Scrum project management environments.



  • Post web app written in NodeJS, Express, MongoDB.
  • Authentication [JWT] and Authorization.
  • Error Handling & Data sanitization by using express-validator.
  • User: login, register, update data, delete user.
  • only Authenticated user can interact with data like add, delete, update, get post.

e commerce Restful API

Build Ecommerce api like sign-in, register, products, reviews, shopping cart and etc.

  • Categories & SubCategories & Brands & Products CRUD Operations.
  • Authentication [JWT] and Authorization
  • Error Handling & Validation Layer
  • Secuirty xss & Data sanitization against NoSQL & Prevent parameter pollution


Tanta University

Computer Science - Good

2016 - 2020




Very Good



Mother Tongue