
Moulvibazar govt. women’s collage

Science - Higher Secondary Certificate

2017 - 2019

Leading University, Sylhet

Computer Science & Engineering - B.Sc.

2020 - 2024

CGPA: 3.42

Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern at LiiLab,Sylhet

I was working as an intern in the company for 3 month which was a part time job i was doing in my undergraduate student life. Where i worked in Mobile application development using Kotlin and Firebase

From 2023 Nov - 2024 Jan.


  • Programming Languages

    C++,C, Kotlin, Java, Dart,PHP

  • Database

    SQL, Firebase

  • Web Development

    HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap

  • Others

    OOP, Problem solving,

  • Salesforce Technologies



    Salesforce Administration

  • Tools

    Git & github



It's a solo project completed by me.

December 2023 - February 2024

This is more like a class management system , where there are 3 types of users teacher, students and the is an android application using Kotlin and Firebase.


January 2023 - March 2034

This is a mobile application used technologies are flutter and firebase


It is a multipage fronted website project using html and CSS and JS.

Traffic Controller game

This is a simple game using 2D graphics, done it using java and file system


Leading University, Sylhet

Teacher assistant

June 2022 - July 2022

I took session on OOP concept in my Own Java course, by my teachers instructions, and received appreciation gift

Leading University

ACM Programming coordinator Lead

January 2023 - February 2024

I was working as a ACM programming coordinator lead in leading university computer club, where motivating students in ACM was the responsibility.

Problem Solving profile

1.Solved overall 650+ problems on many online and onsite contests

2.Participated in Ada Lovelace NGPC 2020

3.Participated in NGPC 2021

4.Participated in NGPC 2022


Codeforces: (max 1176)


Best Female Contestant in Bitfest Intra LU Programming Contest-2022

organized by leading university computer club