Advance Diploma in Software Engineering (ADSE)
2018 - 2021
2018 - 2021
it was a team project , a Web Application having interactive UI which allow public to download and upload desktop Applications.
June 2019 - July 2019
it was a solo first semester project project, based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SCSS and Less
It was a team project having 3 members and participated equally. project created on React Native, it was first an online earning app by playing and solving MCQs but later because of google policies it is only Playing and MCQS solving app.
It is normal BMI calculator but having amazing user-interface and created on Flutter.
this project is online crop price management system , created on JAVA . in progress
Skills in Course:
Using Version Control, Troubleshooting & Debugging,** P**ython Programming, Configuration Management, Automation,
Basic Python Data Structures,** F**undamental Programming Concepts,
Basic Python Syntax, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP),
Setting up your Development Environment, Regular Expression (REGEX), Testing in Python