
  • Results-oriented foodservice professional with a wealth of experience in leadership roles, including Assistant Store Manager and Store Manager positions.
  • Skilled at motivating and guiding teams to achieve exceptional outcomes. Highly effective communicator, fostering a collaborative work environment to achieve shared goals.
  • Thrives in high-pressure situations, delivering top-notch service during peak hours.
  • Seeking a part-time or casual position to contribute my skills and dedication to a dynamic foodservice establishment.
  • Fluent in both Chinese and English.



Graduation Year



10 Norton St. Upper Mount Gravatt. QLD 4122

Visa Type

Permeant Resident


  • Leadership

    - Demonstrated strong leadership abilities by supervising a team of 17 staff members, effectively delegating tasks and ensuring smooth operations during busy periods.

    - Acted as a liaison between upper management and front-line staff, achieving 34% monthly growth in individual product sales through effective communication and goal alignment.

  • Teamwork & Communication

    - Collaborate seamlessly with other teammates to streamline operations and ensure efficient service during peak hours.

    - Apply persuasive communication to promote daily specials and upsell premium menu items, resulting in increased sales.

  • Food Preparation and Cooking

    - Proficient in preparing a diverse range of dishes, with expertise in both Japanese and Chinese cuisines.

    - Skillfully handle food preparation, including advanced knife skills, to ensure precise and efficient cooking processes.

  • Stress Management & Time Management:

    - Maintain composure and efficiency in fast-paced environments, delivering high-quality dishes during peak hours.

    - Adhere to tight schedules and prioritize tasks, achieving smooth kitchen operations and timely service.


  • The University of Queensland
  • UQ College

Work Experience

  • Sushi Sushi (Carindale 2)
  • Little Red Dumpling (Victoria Point)
  • Little Red Dumpling (Cannon Hill)
  • Caspian Kebabs (Cannon Hill)
  • Nando’s (Wellington Point)
  • Zen-X

CV Summary
